Toys cats love

Toys Cats Love

Cats knead their paws when they are happy. Slow calm flaps of the tail means satisfaction while quick swings of tail means warning. Tail of a cat held vertical with its tip stiffly held upright means a very happy cat in greeting mood and a cat exposing its stomach means trust and vulnerability. A cat arch its back when it is threatened by another animal. Although the cat is a relatively small animal, it can frighten enemies by arching its back, bristling, and hissing. Cats use about one hundred different types of sounds for communication while dogs use only about ten different types of sounds for communication. Researchers have noted some sixteen vocal patterns in cats.

The basic cat sounds are purring, meows and hisses. Cats can readily vary these sounds, thus seeming to talk. A cat meeting with another cat can emit more than fifty different sounds for communication which vary in tone from harsh to acute. The cat possesses a sweet sound, the Purr, which it uses to express joy, momentary well being and affection for its owner. It is a musical sound repeated at length when the cat is happy. Purring also occurs in cats that are injured and in pain. Cats can distinguish between shapes of letters of alphabet of language like human beings. Cats can distinguish between complex shapes such as circles, squares, triangles etc. Cats can also distinguish colors.

Out of all animals, only cats have the skill of jumping from great heights by rolling their body in air, so that they tend to land on all four feet on the ground, without injuring themselves. Cats survive fall from great heights. A cat named Andy survived fall from 16th floor of a Miami apartment building. Cats have been the subjects in a number of studies involving weightlessness. The studies have shown that under conditions of weightlessness, a cat is unable to right itself, but will float about in any position. Cats seem to defy gravity.

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