Laser Cat Toys

Laser Cat Toys

The most well-liked cat entertainment for indoor cats may be cat laser toys. The laser dot is a favorite toy of cats, who will chase it up walls, across floors, and even onto dogs. That is why laser pointers are great for giving your cat the exercise they require and a place to indulge their innate hunting instinct.

I was surprised to learn that there are several different laser cat toys on the market. Others are automated, while some require you to use a pointer. While some are basic devices, others provide extra purposes. It’s important to consider the features and choose a laser toy that is appropriate for your cat.

Why are cat laser toys so popular? Starting with their mission, please. Cat eyes are excellent at detecting motion, and they are compelled to pursue everything that moves. So it seems sense that certain cats respond passionately to a little, bright, moving light.

Laser toys, however, are also a concern. Some cats develop a complete obsession with pursuing the tiny red dot, and they may feel upset if the dot vanishes and leaves them with no paws. Cats must feel successful when they catch their prey.

For this reason, experts advise substituting a toy your cat can genuinely “kill” at the end of a laser-pointer play session. Change to a different toy after playing with the laser for a while to prevent your cat from becoming overstimulated.

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