cat loves his toy

Cats Need Smart Toys

Cats have excellent observation power. Cats exhibit considerable aptitude for learning by observation and experience. Observation power of cats is greater than any other domestic animal. Memory of cats is sharper than any other animal. Like human beings cats have both long term and short term memory. Cats have excellent memories. The knowledge attained by cat by means of observation, trial and error is retained for whole life.

According to the research work done at University of Michigan and the Department of Animal Behavior at the American Museum of Natural History in USA , memory of cats is about two hundred times more than that of dogs. Memory of cats is found to be more than Monkeys and Chimpanzees. A cat never forget in its life. Cats retain information obtained by means of observation throughout their life. Cats learn by observation, imitation, trial and error just like human beings do. Cats try to keep themselves clean. Cat’s are nature’s cleanest animals. Cats spend about thirty percent of its life in grooming themselves. Cats are social animals like human beings.

Like human beings, different cats have different personalities. Cats are most independent out of all domestic animals. Cats communicate by means of their body language, facial expressions, table gestures, head, eyes, ears, tails, scent glands, trample by paws, salivation and different vocal sounds. The body language of cats is expressed with more than sixty gestures. The Language of cats is universal. For example, dilated pupils of eyes of a cat means fear while partially closed eyes means relaxation. An angry cat will have narrow pupils. Trampling by paws means affection and love. Erect ears of a cat pointing forwards means relaxation while ears folded backwards means warning.


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